πŸŽƒ Create a Minimalist Event Sourcing for Activity Logs in Laravel Apps


6 min read

Hey guys,

Happy New Year 2024! I hope you all have a good one.

It is my first blogging for this year too, so let's get started 😎

I'm gonna share with you all the minimalist Event Sourcing that I've applied and used in many of my Laravel apps.

Lovely requirement notes: your Laravel version doesn't matter, every Laravel version supports the following:

  • Event

  • Eloquent/Database

That's all we need πŸ₯Ή.

Event Sourcing

Event Sourcing (ES) architecture is one of the most popular architectures in the world.

Some notable points are:

  • Stuff talks using Events

  • Maintaining an Event Stream that holds all events of the application

    • Every state changes and every action will be recorded
  • ...

Some are applying ES 100%, some are adapting ES just for the Activity Logs.

  • And we are targeting the second half in this topic πŸ˜†

    • I might write another one for the first half hehe πŸ‘€

So, let's jump into the technical details πŸ–₯️

The Event Store table

The source of truth - the Event Stream of the application, where all Events/Activity Logs are stored.

Table name

  • MySQL users: events

  • PGSQL users: event_store

Base structure

  • id (bigint)

  • ulid (string - 26 chars - unique)

    • I prefer using ulid nowadays, it's cool, cleaner than UUID, and sortable (ascending by default)
  • name (string): The event name

  • payload (jsonb): The event payload

  • metadata (jsonb): The event metadata

    • Metadata could be anything related to the requests, which might help you to debug, e.g.:

      • IP Address

      • Request ID

      • User-agent

      • ...

  • created_at (timestamp)

  • updated_at (timestamp)

    • One of the rules of ES is that events are immutable. But in real life, we just can't always ensure things are going well.

    • Having an updated_at column would help us indicate if the events have been changed in the past.

Depending on your use case, you might want to introduce entity-related keys, e.g.:

  • user_id

  • business_id

  • payment_id

  • ...


  • We mustn't add Foreign Key (FK) indexes, ES must be able to store ALL data, even if the data is removed/truncated. Adding FKs will bite us at a later stage.

  • Nullable by default.

Reasons why I chose dedicated keys over model_id & model_type (morph):

  • It's more explicit and easy to understand for readers βœ…

  • It is wayy more scalable βœ…

P/s: don't forget to create the Event eloquent model afterward πŸ˜†.

Bootstrap the Event Sourcing

The Contract

A contract helps us to determine which Events are using ES mode, and they must provide the required information for recording.

Events must implement this Contract

interface EventSourcingContract
    // required fields
    public function getName(): string;
    public function getPayload(): array;
    public function getMetadata(): array;

    // your additional entity-related keys
    public function getUser(): ?User;
    public function getBusiness(): ?Business;

The Event Definition

For example, after the user logs in, we dispatch the UserLoggedIn event:

class UserLoggedIn implements EventSourcingContract
    public function __construct(
        public User $user
    ) {}

    public function getName(): string
        return 'UserLoggedIn';

    public function getPayload(): array
        return [];

    public function getMetadata(): array
        return [];

    public function getUser(): ?User
        return $this->user;

    public function getBusiness(): ?Business
        return null;

Additionally, you can create a Trait helper to help you deal with basic fallback:

trait UseDefaultEventSourcingInfo
    public function getName(): string
        return class_basename(static::class);

    public function getMetadata(): array
        return [];

    public function getUser(): ?User
        return null;

    public function getBusiness(): ?Business
        return null;

The Listener

The Listener will create a new event store record every time we dispatch the event.

Create a new listener

class EventSourcingHandler
    public function handle(EventSource $event): void
            // base
            'name' => $event->getName(),
            'payload' => $event->getPayload(),
            'metadata' => array_filter([
                'ipAddress' => $this->getIpAddress(),
                'browser' => $this->getUserAgent(),

            // entities
            'user_id' => $event->getUser()?->id,
            'business_id' => $event->getBusiness()?->id,

    private function getIpAddress(): ?string
        return app()->runningInConsole()
            ? 'Console'
            : request()->getClientIp();

    private function getUserAgent(): ?string
        return app()->runningInConsole()
            ? 'Console'
            : request()->userAgent();

Define the listener in the EventProviderService

protected $listen = [
    EventSourcingContract::class => [

P/s: Not only you can listen to the exact classes but also interfaces 😎

Dispatching Events

Use the Event facade from Laravel πŸ”₯

Event::dispatch(new UserLoggedIn($user));

The Activity Logs


Now that we have an up-and-running Event Sourcing under the hood, we can just query directly to the Event Store table and get the records.

For example, getting all Events related to a User and showing up on the Activity page:

class ActivityLogController extends Controller
    public function ofUser(User $user): JsonResponse
        $records = EventRecord::query()
            ->where('user_id', $user->id)
            ->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC')

        return EventRecordResource::collection($records)->response();

Simple as cake. 😎


Personal preference, I'm using zod for defining schema & parsing the Backend's responses into a structured & typed value in TypeScript.

I'll add a lot of event schema and a discriminatedUnion like this:

const userLoggedInEvent = z.object({
    name: 'UserLoggedIn',
    payload: z.unknown(),

const userUpdatedEvent = z.object({
    name: 'UserUpdated',
    payload: z.object({
        name: z.string(),
        email: z.string(),

export const eventSchema = z.discriminatedUnion('name', [
    // .. and more

export type EventSchema = z.infer<typeof eventSchema>;

Simple axios request to get the activity logs and parse to the structured data:

type ActivityLogsResponse = AxiosResponse<{
    logs: unknown[];

// I'll have a Promise<EventSchema[]>
const getActivityLogs = (userId: string) 
    => axios.get(`api/users/${userId}/logs`)
            (res: ActivityLogsResponse) => eventSchema.array().parse(

And now, I can render the activity logs with strictly typed event data 😎.

// reference in Vue 3, event = ref<EventSchema>({...});

const eventInfo = computed(() => {
    switch (event.value.type) {
        case 'UserLoggedIn':
            // event.value.payload here is unknown
            return 'You logged into the system';
        case 'UserUpdated':
             // event.value.payload here is an object { name, email }
            const { name, email } = event.value.payload;
            return `You updated your info. New name: ${name} | New email: ${email}`;


Some are applying ES 100%, some are adapting ES for Activity Logs.

With ES, we would be able to record any state change related, thus in a later stage, it would help us to:

  • Debug production issues faster ❀️ Every movement is tracked.

  • Generate analytics data FROM THE PAST (since we hold the data from the past til now) for business purposes πŸ”₯ (data & business intelligence team will love it)

  • We have a lovely Activity Logs page showing up to users, thus they know what they did in the past

Just neats.

Thanks for reading and until next time ☺️!