Why DB clustering is really awesome to scale a monolith project?


2 min read

Hey folks,

Have you ever heard about DB Clustering (eg MySQL Clustering)? If not, I would give you a quick summary of it.

Before, I worked at a big company based in Munich, Germany (Still working in Vietnam tho haha). Oh boy, they do have a big monolith monster project, the size, code,...

Man, imagine you have to scale a project like that, millions of users (from public to internal), the DB write operations are insane.

There is no way a traditional 1 write - N replica would work. Write instance will and always be a bottleneck.

Then, here I welcome you to the DB Clustering!

DB Clustering details and the Pros

Just like how you deploy your backend project and put it under a Load Balancer, then share the traffic between the instances.

DB Clustering is just as same as that:

  • Shared-nothing: my machine, my usage
  • Sync replication: crazy right? replication for replica is async
  • Self-healing
  • Automatic failover
  • Load-balancing
  • High availability

Awesome right?

In Tech, there will be no silver bullet for everything. Same as clustering, it would have its own Cons, eg:

  • Self-managed (yeah, seems like cloud services still prefer the traditional way - write replica)
    • But once you perfect the setup (self-healing, fail-over,...), you're done.
  • Some limitations, check out MySQL

But the PROs here are way better to go with.

Clustering Sample Chart from SethPhat

Apply to a Monolith Project

With the PROs above, for example, I have an App with MAU (monthly active users) of around 1M. Here would be my perfect setup:

  • Backend:
    • Load Balancer: 4 instances, using the round-robin algorithm.
  • DB:
    • 5 clusters:
      • 4 active, using the round-robin algorithm.
      • 1 standby, will jump in if any active instance is down.

If I needed a Queue Worker, then I would give it a dedicated cluster as well 🥳 Thus, it can work independently without taking all the resources from the HTTP layer.

Then I don't have to bother about the monolith structure (yes I know it is bad), but extracting a big app into multiple services aka microservices would take years without new features.

And I can sleep in peace without worrying about spiking in the database when the write operations are high as fk.


  • Small/medium app (even big): let's go with the DB Clustering to help you scale while you're only focusing on the feature development.
  • Super big app: DB Clustering for your own microservices.
