Hey guys,
Unit testing or TDD (Test-driven development) has been a thing for years, hasn't it?
I'll quickly talk about this and share with you guys the experience.
The practice of TDD is:
You write test
You write code
You run test, test fails, you update the code until the test is passed
But honestly, in real life, we write the code first then write the test 🤣. It is acceptable as well.
Unit Testing
You write a method/function, you write test for that function. That's basically how unit testing works.
Sample method:
function createUser(string $fullName, int $age): User
if ($age < 18) {
throw new DomainException('User must be an Adult');
return User::create(['name' => $fullName, 'age' => $age]);
To write good and reliable test cases, you would need to cover all the cases:
When the user's age is below 18
When the user's age is above or equal to 18
Data must be created successfully
public function testCreateUserFailsDueToAgeBelow18()
createUser('Seth Phat', 15);
public function testCreateUserSuccessfully()
$user = createUser('Seth Phat', 18);
$this->assertDatabaseHas('users', [
'name' => 'Seth Phat',
'age' => 18,
Easy, right?
Write as many functions as possible. A minimal function would be super easy to write test.
Pros of having unit testing
More trust & confidence when releasing features.
Refactoring would be fun and not scary at all, tests got your back.
- When you refactor things and the test fails => you know something went wrong in the development phase.
Same as refactoring: upgrading the framework, library, or language's version. You can list out the out-of-date/breaking changes and take needful actions from them.
- Imagine upgrading the framework without tests, especially for major versions (eg Laravel 8.x to 9.x), it would cost a lot of time (and money) to do the regression test.
- Yes yes I know, it takes time.
Even if your project is a big product or an outsourcing one. Let's always write tests.
Cover things as much as you can
Provide as many reliable tests as you can
Integration test to test a big flow.
or E2E test, to test the important features.